3rd Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Games at the AISB 2011 Convention, University of York, UK.
Digital games depend greatly on Artificial Intelligence, and in return they provide an excellent testing-ground for AI. In this 3rd symposium we take a broad interpretation of AI to include such topics as HCI (intelligent environments) and emotion.
We seek papers of up to 8 pages in length, or short papers up to 4 pages, or posters (submissions up to 2 pages), presenting unpublished work on topics such as:
– Intelligent games and serious games
– AI and ML applications to games
– Use of games in AI research
– Intelligent interaction techniques
– Technology for Intelligent games
– Affective computing and digital games
– Cognitive, social and emotional impact of intelligent games
We welcome researchers from academia, education and industry. There is also an associated event in preparation, which will be of particular interest to workers in the games industry.
SUBMISSIONS: 4th February 2011
Decision to authors: 25th February 2011
Camera-ready copy: 5th March 2011
Symposium date is: 6th April 2011
Industry event on: 7th April 2011
For more details of this symposium see:
For the AISB-2011 Convention, and details of location:
University of York, York, 4-7 April 2011.
Or contact the chairs at:
David Moffat
School of Engineering and Computing, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
Daniela Romano
The Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, UK
For details of the associated industrial event contact:
Daniel Kudenko kudenko at cs.york.ac.uk