Entertainment Interfaces Track at Mensch & Computer 2011
Chemnitz, Germany, 11.-14. September 2011
The track “Entertainment Interfaces” offers researchers, developers, and designers a platform to present innovative ideas in the area of interactive entertainment with a focus on interaction in games and other entertainment products and to discuss design challenges and the evaluation of entertainment interfaces. The aims of the track are to strengthen the awareness of the relevance of user-friendly and innovative interfaces for entertainment applications in the research community and in the public, to encourage the research activities and the education in this field, and to foster the knowledge transfer between researchers and developers. We like to emphasize the interdisciplinary background of the “Entertainment Interfaces” track and welcome contributions from the areas of computer science, psychology, design and engineering sciences as well as contributions from developers and designers working in the field of interactive entertainment. The track will take place together simultaneously with the German HCI conference “Mensch & Computer 2011” and the German Usability Professionals (UPA) track in Chemnitz. Attendees of the Entertainment Interfaces track will be able to join all other tracks at no extra cost.
– Maic Masuch, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
– Matthias Rauterberg, Technical University Eindhoven, the Netherlands
– Joerg Niesenhaus, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Selected English papers will be invited to a publication in one of the upcoming issues of the Journal of Entertainment Computing (http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/717010/description#description). Authors submit via the Entertainment Interfaces conference tool. Reviews and the selection of the best papers will be done in the conference tool and selected papers will be invited to a publication in the Journal of Entertainment Computing.
The topics include but are not limited to:
Entertainment Interface Design
– Game Interface Design
– Tangible and Gesture-Based Interfaces
– Auditive Interfaces
– User Interfaces for Serious Games
Entertainment Interface Diversification
– Emotional and Physiological Entertainment
– Interfaces for Social Games and Entertainment
– Interfaces for Health Games
– Entertainment Interfaces for Convergent Media Products
Entertainment Technology
– Game Environments
– Pervasive and Ubiquitious Game Technology
– VR Entertainment Technology
– Game Editing and Prototyping Tools
– Interactive Storytelling
Entertainment Interface Evaluation
– Game Usability & Playability
– Interface Evaluation Methods
– Eye-tracking and Physiological Measurement Methods
– Measurement of Fun in Games
The submission categories are:
*Full Papers
Regular written papers (6 to 10 pages) will present research results or practical experiences and will be peer-reviewed and published in the proceedings.
*Call for Demonstrations
Demonstrations can be realized in the form of a live demonstration of a system or tool and should be explained in a short description (up to 4 pages). The contributions will be peer-reviewed and published in the proceedings.
Posters offer the possibility to present research findings or practical examples and will be shown in interactive poster sessions. Next to the poster a short description (up to 4 pages) is needed. The poster contributions will be peer-reviewed and published in the proceedings.
*Call for Workshops
Entertainment Interfaces will offer a series of workshops to cover innovative topics in the area of interactive entertainment. We invite you to submit workshop proposals (up to 4 pages) to pioneer new areas of research and application.
For more information about the submission formats please visit:
20th March 2011: Submission of Full Papers, Demonstrations, Posters and Workshops
12th June 2011: Final submission of the camera-ready papers
– Regina Bernhaupt (Université Toulouse III, Paul Sabatier, France)
– Alessandro Canossa (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
– Christian Geiger (University of Applied Sciences Duesseldorf, Germany)
– Stefan Goebel (Technical University Darmstadt, Germany)
– Marc Hassenzahl (Folkwang University Essen, Germany)
– Nicole Kraemer (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
– Rainer Malaka (University of Bremen, Germany)
– Lennart Nacke (University of Saskatchewan, Canada)
– Gareth R. White (Universiy of Sussex, UK)