
CfP: Harnessing Collective Intelligence with Games – 1st international Workshop on Systems with Homo Ludens in the Loop

With recent advances in harnessing the knowledge and skill of large groups of (unknown) network-connected humans, researchers and practitioners have been designing systems that make contributions of users entertaining and more engaging. Game mechanics are being applied to the traditional human computation tasks, such as transcription, classification and labeling. Seminal examples of such applications include ESP game and FoldIt. At the same time, companies seek seek strategies to include elements of gaming into business processes to increase productivity and engagement of employees. Framing a business goal in the form of a game is also a promising method for motivating
newer generations in the workforce.

To enable effective deployments of the game-based systems, there is a need for a structured analysis of “homo ludens in the loop” aspect, both from technical and social perspective, to derive best practices. The objective of this workshop is to bring together multidisciplinary researchers and practitioners who are embedding game elements to the human computation systems in academic, industry and public sector settings.

The Workshop is collocated with the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENTERTAINMENT COMPUTING ICEC 2012. For further Information please visit our website: http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/gci2012

—-Areas of Interest-

The objective of the workshop is to foster the thinking process about
how to effectively involve the users in the loop of a production system
or crowdsoucing initiative. The topics include but are not limited to:

-Games for Collective Intelligence
-Human Computation Games (Games with a Purpose)
-Applications of games in science, industry and public sector
-Games for data collection, verification and classification
-Game-based surveys
-Task decomposition and gamification
-Quality management in collective play
-Cost – benefit analysis for collective play
-Games and new business models
-Commodification of play (uses and abuses of free time)
-Collective play as socialization (using social networks platforms)
-Game propagation in the social networks
-Game architectures and technology
-Incentives and adoption of games in enterprise environments


May 30th, 2012 Paper submission
June 10th, 2012 Notification of Acceptance
June 15th, 2012 Camera ready submission (all submission types)
Sep. 26th-29th, 2012 Workshop at University of Bremen, Germany

—-Submission Types–

-Full Technical Papers (max 10 pages)
-Short Technical Papers (max 6 pages)
-Position Papers (max. 4 pages)

Submissions must be in Springer LNCS format. All submissions will be
peer reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. Accepted papers
will be presented at the workshop and included in the workshop proceedings.
Accepted papers will be published as technical papers or position papers
via Springer and archived in the Springer Link digital library.
Authors might be asked by the program committee to resubmit their paper
in a different category. Extended versions of selected papers may be
invited for a special issue of the “Entertainment Computing” journal or
to also be part of the main conference track.

—Organizing Committee

-Roberta Cuel, University of Trento, Italy
-Maja Vukovic, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
-Markus Krause, University of Bremen, Germany

—–Program Committee

-Denny Vrandecic, Wikimedia Foundation, Germany
-Yaniv Corem, IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel
-Jon Chamberlain, University of Essex, United Kingdom
-Robert Kern, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
-Jan Smeddinck, University of Bremen, Germany
-Alexander Sorokin, Crowdflower.com, USA
-Massimo Poesio, University of Trento, Italy
-Christian Rozsenich, Clickworker.com, CEO, Germany
-Otto Chrons, Microtask.com, CTO, Finnland
-Simon Caton, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
-Francesco Schiavone, Parthenope University of Naples, Italy
-Francesco Bolici, University of Cassino, Rome, Italy
-Paolo Massa, Bruno Kessler Foundation, Trento, Italy
-Tindara Abbate, University of Messina, Italy
-Carl Goodman, Peppers Ghost Productions, United Kingdom
-Claudio Bartolini, HP Labs, USA

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