Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds (ISSN: 1757191X; print on demand and online) is seeking contributions to its 5(1) issue (spring 2013). Papers from all areas associated with video/computer games and virtual environments are welcome.
Deadlines: 31 August 2012 for long articles; 15th September 2012 for short articles, conference/project reports, poster abstracts, interviews and (machinima/book/game…) reviews.
The following word limits apply:
Long articles: 5000-8000 words
Short articles: 3000-5000 words
Conference and other reports: 1000-2000 words
Reviews (books, websites, games, machinima), poster abstracts and interviews: 1500-3000 words.
Please send your submissions in anonymized (doc/x) form to Astrid Ensslin at
Reviews should be submitted to the Reviews Editor, Matthew S.S. Johnson, at
Machinima reviews should be submitted to Phylis Johnson at
For informal inquiries and the Intellect styleguide, contact Isamar Carrillo Masso at
For more information about the journal’s remit, previous issues and board of editors, visit,id=164/view,page=2/.