CfP: Journal of Virtual Worlds Research – Seeks co-editors for special issue on the Arts.

CFP JVWR Issue on the Arts

At the end of the year (2012) we looked at all past unpublished submissions to find the best papers for the Assembled issue. We had more than 50 submissions.

Apparently, we had several unique papers connecting virtual worlds and the arts. Thus we have decided to make a special issue about “Arts and Virtual Worlds” as Volume 6 No. 2 (due for publication around June 2013 — this year!)


We are looking for 1-2 co-editors for this issue — if you have an interest and background in the field as well as experience in academic editing, please let us know by sending your CV and a cover letter to

More after the jump

Also: if you have a ready FULL art-related paper that you think may fit this issue, please submit it ASAP (deadline: 20-Feb-2013).

Current authors, who have already submitted relevant papers will be notified, as their papers start the review process.

New authors are invited to submit papers that are innovative, original, and contribute to the advancement of understanding of the arts as it applies to virtual worlds. Papers will be considered by the Guest Editorial Board and reviewed by expert referees using our double -open policy. Double-open policy means that in general, authors do not need to anonymize their papers, and reviewers identity is also known to authors. For more details about it see JVWR site –> About JVWR –> For Authors –> Our double-Open Policy.

Submission Instructions
Authors are invited to submit full papers via the JVWR publishing system (see> about > for authors). Accepted papers will be published online in Volume 6, Number 2 of the Journal, 2013.

Deadlines and Timeline
Please use the Journal publishing system (login at the top right of the journal site, state that your submission is for the Arts issue.)

Tentative Deadlines

Authors submit full paper: 15 February, 2013
Editors send reviewers’ feedback on the paper, and indication of acceptance or rejection: 15 March 2013
Submission of revised paper (if necessary): 1 April 2013
Editors’ decision and comments for accepted papers: 15 April 2013
Authors submission of final version: 30 April 2013
Staff editors & authors work till planned publication date: 15 June 2013

Further Information
The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research ( is an online, open access academic journal that engages a wide spectrum of scholarship and welcomes contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that intersect virtual worlds research. The field of virtual worlds research is a continuously evolving area of study that spans across many disciplines and the JVWR editorial team looks forward to engaging a wide range of creative and scholarly work.

For any information regarding this call, please contact:
Tzafnat Shpak, Coordinating Editor

We are also happy to let you know of the following:

Save the dates: JVWR event in Milan, Italy at ICIS 2013. So — mark your calendars around December 16-18, 2013 (
Check our web site’s special page on events for updates in our field.
Review past issues on our website’s special all issues cover view page.
We welcome you to join our Facebook page ‘theJVWR’
Follow us @theJVWR on Twitter
And/or subscribe to our mailing list (on the top left of

We wish us all a healthy and productive year.

Tzafnat Shpak
Coordinating Editor

Prof. Yesha Y. Sivan
Managing Editor

TheJVWR – The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research

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