CfP: “Video Game Worlds” panel at Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference

“Video Game Worlds” panel at Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference
New Orleans, LA
March 10-13, 2011

This panel invites submissions addressing the history, analysis, and theory of video game worlds. Where do these worlds fit into the array of virtual and imaginary worlds presented by other media, other fictions, and other kinds of play? How can we characterize video game worlds as sites of spatiotemporal experience? What modes of critical analysis can we bring to bear on video game worlds, and what new theoretical concepts do these worlds motivate?

Some suggested topics:

* Depiction of space and time in game worlds
* Learning in game worlds
* The fictionality of game worlds
* Game worlds as types of virtual or imaginary spaces
* Play within game spaces
* Interaction and interactivity in game worlds
* Aesthetics of game worlds
* Game worlds as expressive spaces
* Rhetoric of game worlds

Submission of any other topic related to video game worlds, broadly conceived, is welcome. Please submit a proposal of around 200 words by August 10, 2010, to Dan Reynolds:

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