
CfP: XI Brazilian Symposium on Games and Digital Entertainment (SBGames 2012)

SBGames 2012 – Computing Track: Second Call for Papers

XI Brazilian Symposium on Games and Digital Entertainment
Brasília/DF – Brazil


SBGames is the main event on game research and development in Latin America. Promoted by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) in cooperation with IEEE and IFIP with the support of the Brazilian Electronic Game Development Companies Association (ABRAGAMES), the symposium brings together students, professors, artists, designers and professionals from several universities, research centers and the game industry.

The symposium is composed by four main tracks: Computing, Art & Design (A&D), Culture and Industry. The Computing, A&D and Culture tracks present full papers, posters and tutorials whereas the Industry track offers panels and seminars. Besides that, the event features the Independent Game Festival, Art Exhibitions, Games for Change and invited keynote presentations. This edition of the conference will also hold the Simulation Workshop. Aiming at increasing the international insertion of SBGames, the Computing Track full papers should be written in English and will be evaluated by an international program committee. In 2012, the symposium will be held in Brasilia/DF, from November 2nd to 4th. The event will be organized by UnB (University of Brasília.)

*** Important Dates ***

Submission Deadline: July, 23rd 2012

Notification of Acceptance: September 3rd, 2012
Camera-ready: September 17th, 2012
Symposium: November 2-4, 2012

Submission site: https://submissoes.sbc.org.br/home.cgi?c=1641
NOTE: registration and submission begins at June 1st

*** Papers for the Computing Track ***

You are invited to submit your work to the Computing Track of SBGames 2012. The computing track will feature both full papers and technical posters (short papers) focused in contributions to computing in digital games:

– Full Papers must report mature work in the area of games and digital entertainment (a list of topics of interested is shown below). They must be written in ENGLISH and must not exceed 10 pages.

– Technical Posters (Short papers) are suitable for short reports on game research and development and works which are not mature enough for a complete publication. They may be written in Portuguese or English and are limited to 4 pages.

All contributions must be original, unpublished work. Any work that has previously been published or is been simultaneously submitted in similar form to any other conference or journal will be rejected. Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings, and at least one author must be registered, attend and present the work at the symposium.

Submissions will be made electronically through the JEMS System. Papers will be subjected to a double blind review system, thus authors must avoid including information that allow their identification (names, affiliations, explicit self-references, project names, etc). Detailed instructions including paper formatting are available at the conference web site.

The authors of the best papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers to be published in a computer games journal (to be defined.)

Topics of interest for the computing track, within the domain of digital games, include but are not restricted to:

– Accessibility
– Affective computing
– Architectures, engines, and design patterns
– Artificial Intelligence
– Augmented Reality
– Camera techniques
– Computer Animation
– Computer Graphics
– Console programming
– Convergence of areas in game development
– Crowd Simulation
– Dedicated hardware
– Development process and tools
– Emotional agents
– Facial expressions
– Game audio techniques
– Human-computer interfaces
– Interactive and 3D sound
– Interactive digital TV
– Massive Multiplayer Games
– Mobile computing
– Models and Infrastructure for networked games
– Parallel Processing
– Pervasive and crossmedia games
– Physical modeling
– Procedural modeling
– Programming languages and techniques
– Realistic physics
– Sensors and interface hardware
– Storytelling
– Virtual reality

Papers addressing game design (including specific-style games, graphics and sound) topics, as well as digital art, should be submitted to Arts & Design track. Papers related to Cultural and Social aspects of digital games should be submitted to the Culture track.

*** Organization ***

Conference Chair

– Carla Castanho (UnB) – carlacastanho at cic dot unb dot br

Computing Track Program Committee Chairs

– Ricardo Nakamura (USP) – ricardo.nakamura at poli dot usp dot br

– Licínio Gomes Roque (Universidade de Coimbra) – lir at dei dot uc dot pt

– Rodrigo Bonifácio (CIC/UnB) – local chair – rbonifacio at cic dot unb dot br

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