Many researchers, practitioners, artists, producers and other interested participants have already registered for ICIDS 2015, and we hope that you would also like to join us in Cozy Copenhagen in December.
This year, the Eight International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS 8) will take place in Denmark at Aalborg University’s campus in central Copenhagen, Denmark, marking the conference’s return to Europe.
The 8th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS 2015)
30 November – 4 December 2015, Copenhagen
Conference website:
ICIDS is the premier annual venue that gathers researchers, developers, practitioners and theorists to present and share the latest innovations, insights and techniques in the expanding field of interactive storytelling and the technologies that support it.
The field regroups a highly dynamic and interdisciplinary community, in which narrative studies, computer science, interactive and immersive technologies, the arts, and creativity converge to develop new expressive forms in a myriad of domains that include artistic projects, interactive documentaries, cinematic games, serious games, assistive technologies, edutainment, education pedagogy, museum science, advertisement and entertainment, to mention a few.
The conference has a long-standing tradition of bringing together academia, industry, designers, developers and artists into an interdisciplinary dialogue through a mix of keynote lectures, long and short article presentations, posters, workshops, and very lively demo sessions. Additionally, since 2010, ICIDS has been hosting an international art exhibition open to the general public.
We warmly welcome researchers, practitioners, indie developers, industry partners and all other interested parties to join us in Copenhagen for ICIDS 2015!
* Registration *
All interested participants are encouraged to register via the link below. Early registration rates apply until 31 October 2015.
* Accommodation *
We have arranged for the Hotel Scandic Sydhavnen, Sydhavnen and First Hotel Copenhagen to hold rooms for ICIDS 2015 Delegates. Note that after 6th of November the rooms will be progressively released, so please try to book early.
* Academic program *
This year the review process was extremely selective and many good papers could not be accepted for the final program. Altogether, we received 80 submissions in all the categories. Out of the 48 submitted full papers, the program committee selected only 18 submissions for presentation and publication as full papers, which correspond to an acceptance rate of less than 38% for full papers. In addition, we accepted 13 submissions as short papers, 9 submissions as posters, and 3 submissions as demonstrations, including some long papers that qualified to participate within one of these categories. In total, the ICIDS 2015 program featured contributions from 48 different institutions in 18 different countries worldwide.
* Keynote Speakers *
The confirmed speakers for the conference so far are:
Chris Crawford, Game Design veteran, Interactive Storytelling pioneer and designer of Siboot. The title of Crawford’s keynote talk is “The Siren Song of Interactive Storytelling”
Paul Mulholland from the Knowledge Media Institute (The Open University, UK), forerunner in the use and development of interactive narrative tools for enhancing learning and museum experience;
Mulholland’s talk is titled: “Interactive narrative and museums”
* Workshops *
In addition to paper and poster presentations, ICIDS 2015 features a very rich pre-conference workshop day (December 1st) with thirteen workshops concerned with Interactive Digital Storytelling (IDS):
1) Building IDS Research and Development Bridges
2) The Ontology Project for Interactive Digital Narrative
3) Inspired Models for Interactive Narrative
4) Managing the Stage: Challenges of Participatory Storytelling
5) Storytelling lighting design
6) The overlap and Joint Potential between Theatre and IDS
7) RPGs, Edularp and Blackbox: A Theoretical and Practical Primer on Role-Playing Games and Their Relevance for IDS
8) When Our Destinies Meet: Design and Play a Blackbox Larp
9) Storytelling, Digital Media, Museums & Beuys
10) Creating Video Content for Oculus Rift – Scriptwriting for 360° interactive video productions
11) Wish Game Workshop
12) Mobile Storytelling 3.0: how to create mobile and digital location-based stories
13) Social Media fiction: Designing stories for social media.
Additional workshop details are available on the ICIDS 2015 website.
* Art Exhibition *
In conjunction with the academic conference, the interactive narratives art exhibition will be at the industrial era museum Diesel House in Copenhagen ( ). The art exhibition features a selection of 14 artworks selected from 30 submissions by an international jury and is open to the public.
* Venue *
The conference will take place at Aalborg University’s new campus in Copenhagen, which used to used to facilitate Nokia and is situated south-west of the center of Copenhagen.
Address: A.C. Meyers Vænge 15, 2450 Copenhagen SV.
* Organizers *
The conference will be hosted by the Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology ( ) in collaboration with
The Center for Applied Game Research ( ),
the Augmented Cognition Lab ( ),
and the ReCreate Center ( ).
Conference Co-chairs:
Luis Emilio Bruni, Aalborg University, Copenhagen
Henrik Schoenau-Fog, Aalborg University, Copenhagen
Program Chairs:
Sandy Louchart (The Glasgow School of Art – Digital Design Studio)
Sarune Baceviciute (Aalborg University, Copenhagen)
Local Committee Chair:
Sarune Baceviciute
Workshop Chair:
Bjørn Flindt Temte
Art Exhibition Chair:
Cumhur Erkut
Iben Schandel
* More Information *
Additional information about the conference can be found online at:
* Questions? *
Questions about the conference should be directed to the organizers via email at:
Please help to distribute this call to friends and colleagues who may be interested.