New Issue of Journal of Virtual Worlds Research (Vol. 6, No. 3)

The latest issue of Journal of Virtual Worlds Research is hot off the (virtual) press. Edited by Melissa de Zwart (Adelaide Law School), Dan Hunter (QUT Law School) and Greg Lastowka (Rutgers University). Index after the jump.

Journal of Virtual Worlds Research: Legal and Governance Challenges

The collection consists of:

Table of Contents

Managing Editor Corner

What Should Atomic and BITonic Learn from Each Other?
Yesha Sivan

Issue Editors’ Corner

Melissa de Zwart, Dan Hunter, Greg Lastowka

Peer Reviewed Research Papers

Authorship in Virtual Worlds: Author’s Death to Rights Revival?
Sergio Roncallo-Dow, Enrique Uribe-Jongbloed, Kim Barker, Tobias M Scholz
Evaluating Consent and Legitimacy Amongst Shifting Community Norms: an EVE Online Case Study
Nicolas Suzor, Darryl Woodford
The Iron Law
William Sims Bainbridge
Blazing Trails: A New Way Forward for Virtual Currencies and Money Laundering
Michael P. Bombace
Dutch Supreme Court 2012: Virtual Theft Ruling a One-off or first in a Series?
Arno R. Lodder
Magic Modders: Alter Art, Ambiguity, and the Ethics of Prosumption
Aaron Trammell

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