DiGRA Call for 2013-2014 Syllabi & Games Course Census

The Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) is making its inaugural attempt to complete a survey of all games-related courses being taught across the globe.  We are asking for your assistance in self-reporting any courses you will be teaching during the 2013-2014 school year (and following summer), along with some demographic information such as location, school, department, and degree-level of program. We will use this information to gain a better picture of the international study of games and share the results with our members. Please help us by submitting your course information to the database, sharing this call, and encouraging your colleagues to do the same.
In addition, we are calling for games researchers to submit their syllabi of games-related courses to be made available on a public database hosted on DiGRA.org.  Submitting a syllabi is not required to register a games-related course in the course survey. We hope the transfer of different pedagogical approaches will stimulate discussion of how games-related subjects should be taught and help improve instruction around the globe.
Feel free to share the following link to the survey widely: http://j.mp/digrasrv
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.  Thanks for your help!
Tommy Rousse
Secretary, DiGRA

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