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CfP: Well-Played Summit @ DiGRA 2014

We are pleased to announce the first Well-Played Summit, a co-located event with DiGRA 2014, which will be at the Snowbird Summer Resort in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, meeting this August 3-6, 2014.
In this Well-Played Summit, we will be focusing on close readings and explorations of exceptional play created by a single game. As with the ETC Press book series (edited by Drew Davidson) and the Well Played journal, the term “well played” is being used in the Summit in two senses. First, it means “well-played” akin to “well read,” in which the speaker will elaborate and contextualize a deep analysis of the workings of a game. It can also carry a meaning akin to “well done,” in which the speaker includes advocacy for elements of a game’s design that were well designed or well developed. Presentations in the Well Played Summit will follow the same time and paper formats as DiGRA paper talks, and presenters will be encouraged to include not just screenshots of play, but video of play and, ideally, live performance of play with the game under study.
Summit Chair: Sean Duncan (Indiana University)
We are following a submission and review process for the Well-Played Summit that is separate from the DiGRA submission and review process, but similar. As with DiGRA 2014, the Well-Played Summit supports two different categories for submitting research: Full papers (no more than 16 pages) and abstracts (up to 1000 words including references). A full paper submission is recommended for completed research, while the abstract format is suitable for preliminary work (and may require a subsequent paper submission before acceptance). Both papers and abstracts are subject to a double-blind review process, and will have equal time for presentation and discussion during the Summit. All papers accepted to the DiGRA 2014 Well Played Summit will be eligible for consideration for a special DiGRA 2014 issue of ETC Press’s Well Played journal.
Papers and Abstracts Due: 11:59pm EDT, Friday, April 25th, 2014
Notification of Decision: June 1, 2014
Please direct any questions you might have about the 2014 Well-Played Summit to Dr. Duncan atsecdunc@indiana.edu.

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