
Teaching Game Studies: DiGRA Edition

This half-day workshop is a follow-up to the one held at the Foundations of Digital Games conference in April 2014.

Teaching Game Studies: DiGRA Edition
Sunday, August 3, 2014, 1:30-4:45pm
Organized by:
Mia Consalvo, Concordia University
Christopher Paul, Seattle University

Following that workshop a report was released, including syllabi, course post-mortems and a synthesis of the discussion regarding challenges and opportunities related to teaching game studies courses. This workshop continues that discussion and focuses on the following:

*Sharing additional course experiences with new participants
*In-depth discussion of a variety of assignments and their structure
*Future projects or activities (creation of a network; special journal issue; book; more white-papers; etc.)
*Other topics as desired by participants

Participation is free and open to all DiGRA attendees. If you wish to attend, please email Christopher Paul (paulc@seattleu.edu) with the following information:
-Institution and department
-Teaching experience in game studies
-Your goals and interests in this workshop

Space is limited to 15 participants, so please RSVP by July 30, 2014 in order for us to plan the sessions accordingly.


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