Invitation to join the new NCA Game Studies Division

Jamie Banks writes:

The newly created National Communication Association Game Studies Division invites (encourages! urges! propels!) communication and games scholars to join its membership.

The Game Studies (GS) Division promotes the scholarly examination of all aspects of gaming in relation to contemporary communication and culture. Although the division’s core focus is digital games, its membership comprises a broad spectrum of related research topics and methodologies. GS supports the synthesis of social, psychological, cultural, aesthetic, ludic, narrative, philosophical, practical, logical, technological, and industrial dimensions of games and gaming. The division’s mission is to foster this study through communication lenses, to provide a forum for presenting and discussing this work, and to catalyze collaboration among games scholars within NCA and beyond.

It’s easy to join:
*Current NCA members – You can either switch one of your three free membership categories to the new Game Studies Division, or pay just $5 to add Game Studies to your interest groups. To do so, simply email the NCA Membership Manager Justin Danowski at
*Non-members – People who are joining NCA for the first time or renewing an expired membership can add the new Interest Group when they join or renew online at

Of note: As part of the division’s first year, we will be electing the full officer cohort in a special election in June. The call for officer nominations will be released in early April, and candidacy and voting will be limited to registered division members.

Please do feel free to get in touch ( if you have questions, concerns, ideas, or wish to be added to our mailing list.
The GS Division can be found on Facebook here:
And on Twitter here:

~Jaime Banks, West Virginia University


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