On behalf of the English Department (Lehrstuhl Prof. Schnierer), we
would like to announce the Analog Role-playing Games Workshop which
will take place on the 19th and 20th of May at the English Seminar.
Dimensions of Play – Analog Role-playing Games Workshop
Anglistisches Seminar, Universität Heidelberg: 19-20th May 2015
Role-playing games (rpgs) have had a lasting impact on our current
forms of producing, sharing and consuming fiction. Nevertheless, while
digital rpgs have attracted much of the public as well as academic
attention, there is still a great need for an in depth look at the
preceding and ongoing forms of “analog” role-play such as tabletop and
live action role playing (larp). In conjunction with the Role-playing
Games Summit at DiGRA 2015 (http://digra2015.org), and the
Anglistisches Seminar, Lehrstuhl Prof. Schnierer, the
interdisciplinary organizers of this event seek an open and
constructive dialog on academic and practical topics related to analog
Katherine Castiello Jones (University of Massachusetts, USA)
David Jara M.A. (Organizer – Universität Heidelberg,
Anglistisches Seminar)
Dr. David Simkins (University of Rochester, USA)
Dr. Evan Torner (Organizer – University of Cincinnati, USA)
Dr. Jose P. Zagal (DePaul University and University of Utah,
Chicago/Salt Lake City, USA)
Applications are open to graduate and undergraduate students from all
Registration Deadline: 05.05.2015
Please send the following information to: david.jara@hggs.uni-heidelberg.de
– Name, affiliation (university & home department) and general academic areas of interest.
– Explicit statement that you will be able to attend the two full workshop sessions.
– Let us know if you are interested in giving a short presentation (15 minutes) of “work in progress” as part of our participant submissions section. This should be an opportunity for you to share ideas and gather feedback for any ongoing projects related to the topic of games and game studies; don’t be shy!