
Videos of DiGRA2015 Keynotes now Available

Thanks to the local organizers, the DiGRA2015 keynote presentations are now available for viewing online (after the jump)


DiGRA2015 – KEYNOTE – Tanya Krzywinska – The Gamification of the Gothic from Centre for Digital Cultures on Vimeo.


DiGRA2015 – KEYNOTE – Astrid Ensslin – Videogames as Unnatural Narratives from Centre for Digital Cultures on Vimeo.


DiGRA2015 – KEYNOTE – Karen Palmer – Is Hacking the Brain the Future of Gaming? from Centre for Digital Cultures on Vimeo.



DiGRA2015 – KEYNOTE – Markus Rautzenberg – Ludic Epistemology in an Age of new Essentialisms from Centre for Digital Cultures on Vimeo.

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