
CfP: Games as HCI Method (Workshop @ CHI16)

The workshop Games as HCI Method will be organized at CHI 2016 in San Jose, California. It aims to experiment with using game design elements to improve HCI research, and to explore how such elements can become part of the different phases of design.

Please find more information on the workshop website: hcigames.wordpress.com<http://hcigames.wordpress.com>
The idea of using game elements outside of the domains of game and play is not new. Similar to the approach of participatory design games, more and more HCI researchers are adopting game design elements in their research methods, e.g. to create a safe and comfortable setting for their participants, to improve group dynamics during research, or to stimulate future thinking.
This workshop brings together researchers and designers to share experiences and ideas for integrating game design elements in HCI research activities. It will focus on how existing game design elements (e.g. content, fiction & narrative, mechanics, aesthetics & graphics and framing) could be employed to improve HCI research.
You can apply by submitting a concise position paper (1000 words max.) elaborating on your ideas and/or findings on how games can be of methodological use in HCI research. We ask you to elaborate on issues such as the research phases in which you believe games might offer benefits, and the type of game design elements you think could be useful and how these could be incorporated in HCI research activities in a meaningful way. We encourage brief reports on your own experiences regarding the use of game design elements (and sharing additional material about this, e.g. in the form of videos). If you don’t have such experience yet we look forward to your ideas about the possible use of game elements in your future research. More information about game-based HCI research can be found on the workshop website: hcigames.wordpress.com<http://hcigames.wordpress.com/>
Important dates:

*   Submission deadline: 15 January 2016*
*   Notifications: 12 February 2016
*   Workshop: 7 or 8 May 2016

*In case you need a notification before the end of Q4 2015 for financial reasons, please contact us directly.

Karin Slegers – KU Leuven / iMinds
Bernhard Maurer – University of Salzburg
Lizzy Bleumers – Vrije Universiteit Brussel / iMinds
Alina Krischkowsky – University of Salzburg
Pieter Duysburgh – Vrije Universiteit Brussel / iMinds
Mark Blythe- Northumbria University


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