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Pitching Event of the Dutch DiGRA chapter

Some years ago DiGRA.nl organized several meetings where researchers could discuss issues related to game research, and could meet to think about possible ways of collaboration. Now, there is a new Pitching Event of the Dutch DiGRA chapter on: 28 April 2016, 15.00 – 17.00 o’clock in Utrecht.

There are two issues on the agenda:

– Short pitches about current research.
– Discuss future activities of DiGRA.nl.

If you are interested in pitching your research, please send an email before the 15th of March to: <gameresearch@uu.nl> with the following info:

  1. Name and affiliation.
  2. Title of your pitch.
  3. Short description of the research you want to pitch (max 100 words).

Please send us an email as well if you want to participate in this event without pitching.

Depending on the amount of people who would like to present, we plan to have pitches of maximum 5 minutes.

If you want to contribute we would like to receive the powerpoint of your pitch beforehand (more on this later on).

Where: Kanunnikenzaal, Faculty Club Helios, Achter de Dom 7, Utrecht (http://www.uu.nl/en/faculty-club/information-for-visitors).

When: 28 April 2016, 15.00 – 17.00 o’clock. Refreshing drinks afterwards. Coffee/ tea at walk-in from 14.30.

Working committee: Anton Nijholt (UTwente), Pieter Spronck (UTilburg), Igor Mayer (Breda), Harald Warmelink (HKU), Joost Raessens (UU), Remco Veltkamp (UU), Jeroen Jansz (EUR) and Heleen Groenendyk (UU).

More information: http://www.uu.nl/en/events/digranl

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