Job: UQAT is hiring three new professors

UQAT (the Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue) is hiring three new professors in our creation and new media department.
UQAT is a French university, so candidates are expected to be fluent in that language.
More details on the postings (in French) can be found here:
(Offers 2016-013, 014 and 015)
We are awaiting applications until May 30th (job starts July 1st)

Danny Godin, M.Sc.A.
Responsable du point de service Montréal


UER en création et nouveaux médias
Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, centre de service Montréal

625 Président-Kennedy, 7e étage (bureau #718), Montréal, H3A 1K2
Téléphone: 514-844-0971, poste 6718
Sans-frais: 1-877-870-8728, poste 6718
Demande de rendez-vous: 

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