
2nd CFP: Mixed Initiative Creative Interfaces Workshop @ CHI’17, deadline Jan 31

MICI 2017: Mixed-Initiative Creative Interfaces
Workshop at CHI 2017, May 7, 2017, Denver, CO
Submit by Jan 31, 2017

Enabled by artificial intelligence techniques, we are witnessing the rise of a new paradigm of computational creativity support: mixed-initiative creative interfaces (MICIs) put human and computer in a tight interactive loop where both take turns suggesting, producing, evaluating, modifying, selecting creative outputs. This paradigm could broaden and amplify creative capacity for all, but is today mostly developed and studied in game AI. This one-day workshop at CHI 2017 therefore convenes CHI and game researchers to advance mixed-initiative approaches to creativity support.

* User experience and engagement in MICIs
* Interaction, design and evaluation challenges of MICIs
* Future scenarios of human-AI co-creativity and MICIs in and beyond creative practice
* MICIs for accessibility, inclusion, participation, and user-generated content
* MICIs and models of creativity and collaboration

We invite participants to submit 2-6pp. position papers in the CHI Extended Abstract format (https://chi2017.acm.org/submission-formats.html) via EasyChair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mici2017. We will review submissions and select 15-25 based on relevance, quality, and diversity of inputs. At least one author of each accepted paper needs to register for the workshop and for one or more days of the conference. We expressly invite participants to bring system demos to the event.

* December 15, 2016: Early acceptance submission deadline
* December 21, 2016: Notification of early acceptance
* January 31, 2017: Regular submission deadline
* February 20, 2017: Notification of regular acceptance
* May 7, 2017: Workshop

For further information, consult the workshop site http://mici2017.org or write to mici2017@easychair.org.

call for papers

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