Intetain 2017 – Courses and workshops

9th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment
June 20-22, 2017 – Funchal, Madeira

The 9th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment (INTETAIN 2017) is a small gathering of curious minds, focused on supporting a community of practice. Instead of crowds of people who may miss the chance to connect in the face of overly tight timetabling, we prefer to have a select group of people conversing about a select group of papers.

In addition to the paper demo tracks which are now closed, Intetain also offer a number of workshops and courses which you can still register and submit to in order to enhance your Intetain experience from playable cities through cultural heritage and Designing Entertainment for Health and Rehabilitation there is something for everyone.

Check out the workshop and course offerings of Intetain 201t at

call for papers

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