
2nd call CfP | Gamification | 51st annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS 2018 | Deadline June 15th 2017

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Part of the “Decision Analytics, Mobile Services, and Service Science”
51st annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
January 3-6, 2018 | Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island.
=== Important dates

June 15:  Submissions deadline
August 17:  Notification sent to authors
September 4:  Revision deadline
September 10:  Final acceptance notifications sent to authors
September 22:  Deadline for authors to submit the final manuscript
(camera ready)
October 1: Registration deadline
January 3-6, 2018: Conference
February 15, 2018 (date subject to change) (Optional) Submission
deadline for extended versions of selected papers for Gamification
special issue in the Journal of Business Research


During the last decade, games have become an established vein of
entertainment, consumer culture, and essentially, a common part of
people’s daily lives (36). In the United States alone 59% of the
population plays computer games while revenues of the computer games
industry exceed US $15 billion (4). However, in addition to the
increased penetration of games, the ways in which people play and employ
games have also become more varied. There are more different kinds of
games available for a multitude of different platforms, mediated through
different technologies that cater for differing gaming needs
(15,20,24,41) for widening audiences (8,9,10,26,36,40) and which use a
wide variety of business models (1,2,13,14,25,27,28,29).

As a result, our reality and lives are increasingly game-like, not only
because video games have become a pervasive part of our lives, but
perhaps most prominently also because activities, systems and services
that are not traditionally perceived as game-like are increasingly
gamified. Gamification refers to designing products, services and
organizational practices in order to afford similar experiences to
games, and consequently, to attempt to create value and affect people’s
behaviour (3,16,21,30,39). In recent years, the popularity of
gamification has skyrocketed and is manifested in growing numbers of
gamified applications, as well as a rapidly increasing amount of
research (See e.g. 17,18,33).

However, beyond intentional gamification, gamification also refers to
the general ludic transformation of our reality, culture and everyday
lives (35,39). For example, recently we have witnessed the popular
emergence of augmented reality games (32) and virtual reality
technologies that enable a more seamless integration of games into our
physical reality. Moreover, recent emerging phenomenon such as eSports
(19,38) and streaming (37) have also penetrated the cultural membrane
allowing games to seep into domains hitherto dominated by traditional media.

We encourage a wide range of submissions: empirical and conceptual
research papers, case studies, and reviews in addition to practitioner
reports related to gamification, games, information systems, commerce
and users/players as well as the area between them.

Accepted papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings published
by the IEEE Computer Society and maintained in the IEEE Digital Library.
HICSS publications account for the top 2% downloads of all IEEE
conferences, and have been consistently ranked as the most cited papers
in top journal publications. Extended versions of selected papers will
be invited to be submitted to a Gamification special issue in the
Journal of Business Research. The tentative deadline is February 15,
2018. https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-business-research/

Relevant topics include (not limited to):

– Impact of games and gamification
– Individual impact
– Behaviour
– Psychological states
– Well-being
– Organizational impacts
– Business benefits
– Societal impacts
– Areas of ludification of culture
– eSports
– Streaming
– Conceptual improvements
– Definitions
– Frameworks
– Affordances / mechanics
– Game business
– Free-to-play
– Virtual goods
– Player retention
–       Game design as marketing
– Motivations and players
– Player typologies
– Motivations / gratifications
– Demographic differences
– Adoption and continued use
– Technology and design
– Virtual Reality (VR)
– Augmented reality (AR)
– Mixed reality (MR)
– Mobile and web applications
– Gamification in enterprise
– Health applications
– Education technology (serious games, game-based learning)
– (Action) Design research

=== Track Chairs

Juho Hamari (Primary Contact)
Gamification Group, Tampere University of Technology / University of
Turku / University of Tampere
Email: juho.hamari { a } tut.fi

Petri Parvinen
University of Helsinki
Email: petri.parvinen { a } helsinki.fi

See you in Hawaii!
Juho Hamari


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