PhD in Game Analytics with Square Enix and DC Labs (UK)

If you have a Computer Science degree, is passionate about analytics and machine learning, have an interest in player psychology and user experience and an interest in games, then the best PhD opportunity in the world is there for you.

The world-leading Digital Creativity Labs at the University of York, the largest research lab in the world on games, is in collaboration with the amazing analytics team at Square Enix West offering a full-time, fully funded PhD. The perks? Full-time based at Square Enix West’s core analytics team in London, massive scale game data project, direct industry embedment and experience, fully funded scholarship, travel costs paid, and a massive 30+k living stipend. Furthermore, the candidate will form part of the Intelligence for Games and Games Intelligence (IGGI) PhD school, with over 35 PhD candidates in technical games research, the biggest of its kind in the world and offering loads of training, networking and other opportunities. This is the PhD opportunity of a lifetime. For more information and requirements, and where to go with questions and queries, see the following link:

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