Announcing two new books about the Gamification of work:
The first one is published by Wiley: WileyTitle/productCd- 1786301237.html
And the second one is the collective work of French sociologist of work and French researchers in media studies, published by Peter Lang (forthcoming at the end of august) but in French: Le travail de la gamification. Enjeux, modalités et rhétoriques de la translation du jeu au travail.
And the second one is the collective work of French sociologist of work and French researchers in media studies, published by Peter Lang (forthcoming at the end of august) but in French: Le travail de la gamification. Enjeux, modalités et rhétoriques de la translation du jeu au travail.
NB: edited by Mikolaj Dymek and Peter Zackariasson:The Business of Gamification – a Critical Analysis :