CALL FOR PAPERS: First International Workshop on Data-Driven Gamification Design (DDGD 2017)
Held in conjunction with Mindtrek 2017
Tampere, Finland
20 September 2017
Submission deadline: August 20, 2017
Notification date: August 27, 2017
Camera-ready due: September 13, 2017
Workshop date: September 20, 2017
Gamification has been attracted much interest, not only in the HCI community, in the last few years. However, there is still a lack of insights and theory on the relationships between game design elements, motivation, domain context and user behavior. In this workshop we want to discover the potentials of data-driven gamification design optimization, e.g. by the application of machine learning techniques on user interaction data in a certain domain.
We are looking for:
Gamified systems that exploit data mining, machine learning and AI techniques.
Insights on game design elements built upon empirical data that can expand the catalog available to gamification designers and practitioners.
Personalized gamified systems that exploit physiological, psychological, environmental, emotional and social data to provide tailored game elements to users with different characteristics.
Domain-dependent gamified services and applications addressed to contexts like health, learning, workplace, security, crowdsourcing, and so on.
Field evaluations of gamified systems in specific contexts of use, and new techniques to envision, design and assess gamification design techniques.
Theoretical reflections and ethical considerations on the future of gamification enabled by the increasing availability of data.
Topics of Interest
In this workshop we want to discuss and learn from planned and already executed studies. Therefore we invite the submission of position papers as well as novel research papers and demos addressing insights on Data-Driven Gamification Design. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Gamification approaches in a variety of domains, e.g.: education, workplace, health and e-commerce
Empirical studies to improve gamification design
Evaluation of gamified applications and services in specific domains
AI and machine learning for gamification
Player’s data to be used in gamification design
New theoretical approaches for gamification design
New game design elements grounded upon empirical data
Personalized gasified systems
Ethical issues and critical reflections
All papers should be 2-6 pages long (in PDF format) following the ACM proceedings format. LaTeX and Word templates are available at: Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. We plan to publish the papers as CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Michael Meder, TU Berlin (Germany)
Amon Rapp, University of Torino (Italy)
Till Plumbaum, TU Berlin (Germany)
Frank Hopfgartner, University of Glasgow (United Kingdom)