PhD position at Malmo University on Procedural Content Generation for games

Job opening: PhD position in procedural Content Generation (Malmö University, Sweden)
Deadline: 05/11/2017

PhD position at Malmö University on Procedural Content Generation for games with Steve Dahlskog, Julian Togelius, and myself in the team. 4 to 5 years of employment. Cutting-edge game research and lots of kanelbullar and fika! Submit your application!

Job description: Ph.D. programme in Computer Science

Procedural Content Generation (PCG) applies to the algorithmic creation of game content with limited or indirect user input. It has recently become a huge research field within the topic of Computational Intelligence in Games, surrounded by an heterogeneous international community of researchers coming from different areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering, Game Studies, and Human Computer Interaction.

The PhD candidate is expected to explore different approaches for procedurally generating content for games, in combination with data analysis from user gameplay, as well as interactive evolution and mixed-initiative approaches. The candidate is also expected to produce novel techniques to create game content from a global and integrating perspective, including game objects, characters, plots, narrative, and even game rules.

The PhD position requires that the candidate holds strong programming skills and an extended background on Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, game engines, notions on game design, as well as a strong passion for videogames and games in a broader context.

This position is partially funded by the Crafoord Foundation under the project titled “The Evolutionary World Designer: AI assisted design of virtual environments”, together with Malmö University. The candidate is expected to produce high quality research outcome, actively collaborating in the production of scientific publications, the supervision of master and bachelor theses, and being a pro-active resource for the scientific activities held in the Computer Science and Media Technology Department regarding the aforementioned topics. Given this, records of previous scientific production in these topics is a strong plus for the applicant.

Employment as a Ph.D. student

An employed Ph.D. student shall primarily devote time to his/her own research training. Teaching assignments of up to 20% may be part of your duties. Regulations regarding employment of Ph.D. students can be found in Higher Education Ordinance 5 Chap. 1-7 §§. The Ph.D. student is expected to actively participate in the research and teaching environment.

The aim of the Ph.D. programme is to develop the knowledge and skills required for the Ph.D. student to independently conduct research and thereby contribute to the development of knowledge within the project. The Ph.D. programme is worth 240 higher education credits (equivalent to four years of full-time studies) and usually combines with 20% teaching.

Check the complete job description here:

Please refer all questions to

José Font
Assistant Professor – Malmö University


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