
CfP: WiderScreen Special Issue Sexuality & Play in Media

WiderScreen 2/2019 Journal Special Issue CFP: Sexuality & Play in Media.

Editors: Ashley Brown (ashley@eae.utah.edu), Laura Saarenmaa (Laura.Saarenmaa@uta.fi), Veli-Matti Karhulahti (vmmkar@utu.fi)

WiderScreen is a Finnish open-access scientific journal that centers on multimedial, digital, and audiovisual media culture. It is recognized as a quality peer-reviewed academic publication channel by the Finnish Publication Forum (Jufo).

It is our pleasure to announce a call for papers to a special issue Sexuality & Play in Media, to be published in September 2019. We look forward to submissions concerning all intersections of sexuality and play(fullness) across media, both analog and digital and everything beyond. Marginal and unexplored topics are especially welcome. Unconventional approaches, methods, and styles of expression are highly encouraged.

If you are expert and wish to volunteer for review, please write the editors. In return, you will have a reply with a smiley 🙂 and our sincere gratitude.

Formats: Refereed article (4000–7000 words), overview article (3000–6000 words), interview (flexible word limit), book/product review (flexible word limit), conference notes (flexible word limit), and artworks (medium-specific). Refereed articles go through blind peer-review, authors of other formats will receive comments from the editors instead.

Important dates: Submit an abstract between 300-500 words (to all three editors) by November 30, 2018. Selected abstracts will be invited to be submitted as full articles. Full article deadline is January 31, 2019. Referee statements are sent to the authors during spring 2019 and the special issue is out in September 2019.

The Chicago Manual of Style. Times New Roman, font 12. Both English and Finnish language submissions are welcome. Please send your submission to all three editors via email by the deadline. Check out the below links for further information. The editors will be glad to answer any related questions.



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