
CfP: Teach Games, Pedagogical Approaches DiGRA 2019 Pre-Conference Workshop

Teaching Games:Pedagogical Approaches DiGRA 2019 Pre-Conference Workshop (TGPA:DiGRA2019)

Context of Teaching Games
Game studies, art, design, narrative, development, and game research method courses are proliferating across colleges and universities. Some classes are organized into formal game design programs while others are not. They can be offered in a wide range of departments and disciplines, including media studies, communications, computer science, sociology, English, education, political science, art, and many others. The primary goal of such courses is varied: to teach game design skills, game writing, production, development, critical analysis skills, as well as the history and context of digital games. This workshop is for instructors in higher education of all such courses to discuss their approaches, troubleshoot issues, as well as identify best practices for the course and assignment design.

The workshop is co-located and organized with the 2019 DiGRA 2019 conference in Kyoto, Japan, and will take place on August 6th, 2019. It builds on successful past versions of the workshop run at both DiGRA and FDG in 2014 and 2015, as well as on a later workshop on transgressive teaching strategies in game studies at NDigra in 2018 and HEVGA Game Educators’ Summits and symposia held in 2017 and 2018. The aim of this iteration is threefold: to broaden the scope of teaching about games more generally, to build a community around pedagogy and to generate scholarship that will result in a peer-reviewed publication.

Objectives and Outcomes
The aim of the workshop is to benefit pedagogy about games by discussing current issues and potential future directions in games teaching as well as to provide a forum for sharing and critiquing pedagogical practices. The latter will be especially valuable for scholars who are among the only faculty at their institution teaching games.
The workshop will be conducted in two parts: The morning session will be dedicated to paper presentations and discussions. The post-lunch session will be organized as work sessions, where groups discuss particular topics (self-organized by interests).

*** Topics ***
The workshop invites papers about teaching games in higher education. The following list suggests topics, but other topics relevant to pedagogical approaches in teaching games are welcome.
● Pedagogical methods to teaching games
● Integrating games into a pre-existing curriculum
● Case studies—teaching specific topics or areas
● Bridging theory and practice through the curriculum
● Creating new teaching resources and tools
● Teaching students to study players
● Teaching game research methods
● Industry partnerships
● Working with diverse groups of students and multi-disciplinary faculty
● Logistical challenges of teaching games (access to games, preservation, and fair use)

*** Submission guidelines ***
We will accept submissions for short papers between 1000 and 3000 words in length (excluding references). Submissions will be subject to double-blind peer review. Each submission will receive feedback from at least two reviewers. Authors of accepted submissions will be invited to give an oral presentation of their submission. Submissions must use the provided MS Word template or the LaTeX template for the workshop (both templates are available at hevga.org/digracfp – in case the page is down, see links below).

All submissions should be in the PDF format and be submitted through EasyChair. Accepted papers will be made available online at the workshop webpage.

A special issue of the ToDiGRA Journal (published by ETC Press at Carnegie Mellon) is a planned outcome of the workshop. Selected workshop papers will be invited to submit a journal article version for inclusion in a special issue of the ToDiGRA Journal. Publication in the special issue will require passing a second round of peer reviews.

*** Workshop Deadlines ***
Deadline for paper submissions: May 31, 2019
Notification of acceptance: June 28, 2019
Final drafts of papers due: July 19, 2019
Workshop: August 6, 2019
Revised papers submitted to journal for publication: October 1, 2019

*** Webpages ***
Workshop webpage: hevga.org/digracfp
Submissions page: easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tgpa19
Template .docx: interactivenarrativedesign.org/digrawstemplate.docx
Template LaTeX: www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/tgap-workshop-digra-template-2019/prjhkzzstyym

*** Workshop Location and Time ***
Location: Room Zonshin 206, Ritsumeikan University Kinugasa Campus, Kyoto, Japan
Date and Time: August 6, 2019, 9:00-15:50 with a lunch break 12:00-13:00

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