
DiGRA 2022 International Conference: July 7-11 in Krakow, Poland.

Due to a range of unavoidable circumstances, including issues created by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico, the 2022 DiGRA International Conference will not able to be held in Guadalajara, Mexico this year. While this is deeply disappointing, it is not entirely surprising.

Fortunately we have been able to identify a new venue, and I can now share details for our new plans.

The event will be held on July 7 -11 in Krakow, Poland, hosted by Jagiellonian University. The conference website has been updated with information about registration fees, travel and accommodation options (and other topics) here: http://digra2022.org.

A poll of our membership indicates that, currently, about 60% of the respondents intend to travel and 40% plan on participating remotely. Fortunately, the hosting team at Jagiellonian University has experience managing hybrid events, and those unable to travel should will be able to present their work and participate in the conference.

Although submissions are closed, we understand that many who had papers accepted at the cancelled 2020 Tampere event did not resubmit their papers to be presented this year. If you had a paper accepted in 2020 and have not resubmitted it for presentation this year, resubmissions are now open. These papers do not go through additional peer review: you would automatically be given a place in a session to present your work. You would still need to pay appropriate registration fees: these papers have already been distributed in the proceedings for the previous conference, so they will not be added to this year’s proceedings, but the former remain available for download from the digital library.

Many of the workshops scheduled for Guadalajara have been rescheduled for Krakow, and more will be added soon. Workshop organizers have been contacted by the local organizing committee and should have updated information about submission deadlines.

We wish to personally thank Tomasz Majkowski and his team at Jagiellonian University for this remarkable feat, while also sharing our appreciation for all the work of the Guadalajara organizing committee so far: We will be hearing more DiGRA news from Mexico in the future and hope that we will be able to meet there someday soon. In the meantime, here’s looking forward to seeing each other in Krakow this summer.

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