Video games already play a natural role in the daily lives of children and adolescents. At the same time video games rapidly capture the area of teaching and learning. Due to the high demands on their players and their overall complexity, Anglo-Saxon game studies already praise video as being among the most important 21st century education media. This workshop wants to critically scrutinize these optimistic prospects and presumptions and ask whether video games may provide a practical approach for learning and teaching. In this context video games include all kinds of electronic gaming, amongst others augmented reality environments, serious games and Commercial-Off-The-Shelf games which are used for specific learning goals.
This workshop is intended to raise questions about the practical use of video games in schools, universities and civic education. What are possible outcomes of using video games in an educational context, what may be achieved and what kind of input is necessary for implementing video games in the practice of teaching and learning?
We are also looking forward to contributions from practitioners.
Possible topics are (but are not restricted to):
- civic education
- learning of languages
- social interaction
- video games as simulations in political science
- history
- ethics
Please send your proposals (max. 2000 characters) to until 30 September 2010 the latest.
The papers will be selected in a blind peer review process.
You will be notified about the results of the selection process until 31 October 2010.