
CfP: Games and HCI Workshop at OZCHI 2010

The workshop is about the design of the game interface, its philosophies, its foibles, its moments of achievement and delight with a view to the next generation of game design. We are interested in taking this “long engagement” to its logical next step, where the two partners in the relationship (game interface design and HCI) act as equal participants in the design and evolution of new and innovative experiences.

Where: OZCHI 2010 Queensland University of Technology, Gardens Point Campus, Brisbane

When: November 23rd 2010 – Full day workshop

Who: Game interface researchers and designers, Games industry professionals, Game design theorists and practitioners

Researchers: Workshop participants should submit a short paper (4 pages) introducing their area of interest in this field using the OZCHI 2010 paper template format.

Practitioners: Workshop participants from Industry should submit a case study format paper using the OZCHI case study and industry demo format (1 page)

Possible research topics

* The site of the interface in games
* Game UI design and specific game genres
* Embodied experience in games
* HUDless game design
* Aesthetics and visual design
* What difference an I/O makes
* Culture and legacy in game interface design
* Different stories as interface
* Game design which moves into embodied experience
* ‘Natural’ interfaces
* Game ‘controller’ design issues

Industry paper submissions might include:

* Specific interface design stories
* Experience designing for specific controllers
* Post mortem and analysis

Submit an abstract and expression of interest by October 15 2010:

Contact: info@ozchi-design.org

Website: http://interface.ozchi-design.org

Join us for the day long workshop at OZCHI 2010

Join us for this full day workshop in Brisbane in November (registration via the OZCHI 2010 website). This workshop offers opportunity to researchers and designers in the field with an interest in designing for games to come together with those designing and making games to present their work and insights into this field with a view to further research and publishing opportunities.

More information: http://ozchi.org – Attend – Workshops & Tutorials

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