GAS 2011: The 1st Games and Software Engineering Workshop will be a one-day workshop held on May 22nd. The workshop will be co-located with the International Conference of Software Engineering (ICSE) in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Important Dates
Position papers (4 pages maximum): January 21, 2011
At the core of video games are complex interactions leading to emergent behaviors. This complexity creates difficulties architecting components, predicting their behaviors and testing the results.
Software engineering hasn’t yet been able to meet the demands of the games industry, an industry that works at the forefront of technology and creativity, where creating a fun experience is the most important metric of success. GAS 2011 will explore the demands of game creation and ascertain how the software engineering community can contribute to this important creative domain. Furthermore, GAS 2011 will investigate how games can help aid the software engineering process or improve
software engineering education. Research in these areas has been exciting and interesting, and GAS 2011 will be the first time practitioners from all three fields to have the opportunity to come together at ICSE to investigate the possibilities of this innovative research area.
GAS encourages submissions of topics from across the entire range of software engineering research areas. The following topics are given as a guide, but all submissions will be given equal consideration.
* Development processes
* Development environments
* Creativity support
* Patterns and frameworks
* Game middleware (including networking/security/databases/backends)
* Testing
* Formalizing game design and creation
* Games for Software Engineering education
* Games to aid the Software Engineering process
* Software architecture of games and engines
* Modeling games
Paper submissions
GAS 2011 is accepting position papers, with a maximum of 4 pages. These papers must conform to the ICSE Submission Guidelines
All submissions must be made via CyberChairPro, a link to which will appear at the GAS 2011 web site .
All accepted papers will be published in the ICSE conference proceedings. For a paper or poster to appear in the proceedings, at least one author must register for the workshop by the deadline for
camera-ready copy submission.
We anticipate papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library.
Additional information
The GAS 2011 web site at will provide up-to-date information about the workshop.
Program committee
Chair: Jim Whitehead, University of California, Santa Cruz
Chair: Chris Lewis, University of California, Santa Cruz
Thomas Ball, Microsoft Research
David Callele, University of Saskatchewan
Kendra Cooper, University of Texas at Dallas
Eelke Folmer, University of Nevada, Reno
John Flynt, University of Colorado at Boulder
Nachi Nagappan, Microsoft Research
Walt Scacchi, University of California, Irvine
Clark Verbrugge, McGill University
Walker White, Cornell University