The 2011 Canadian Game Studies Association’s (CGSA) annual conference will be held in Fredericton, New Brunswick from May 30-31, in conjunction with the Congress of the Social Sciences & Humanities. This year’s theme is “Coasts & Continents: Exploring People and Places.”
We invite both national and international paper proposals on digital games research, broadly defined. In keeping with this year’s Congress theme, we also encourage work that examines game and player boundaries and boarders, spaces and places, whether that be in Multiplayer Online Spaces or in the space and place of everyday lives, from couches in living rooms to massive gaming LANs or the furthest reaches of mobile augmented reality play.
Please send an extended abstract of no more than 500 words for paper proposals, or a summary of a proposed panel of no more than 1,000 words to your 2011 Conference Co-Chairs, either Suzanne de Castell ( or Nick Taylor ( by February 10, 2011.