
CfP: Foundations of Digital Games 2011 – Bordeaux, France

FDG 2011, the 6th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games ( http://www.foundationsofdigitalgames.org/ ), is a focal point for academic efforts in all areas of research and education involving games, game technologies, gameplay and game design. The goal of the conference is the advancement of the study of digital games, including new game technologies, capabilities, designs, applications, educational uses, and modes of play.

28th June – 1st July 2011

Call for Paper available here:

Call for participation

The goal of the Foundations of Digital Games conference is to advance the scientific understanding of digital games, with an emphasis on substantial, evidence-based contributions to both the theory and practice of game design, engineering and applications. The 2011 conference will include presentation of peer-reviewed papers, posters and doctoral consortium submissions, invited talks and panels by academic and industry leaders, workshops and hands-on tutorials.

Submission and deadlines

* Paper and poster submissions due: 10 February 2011
* Paper and poster author notification: 12 April 2011
* Paper and poster camera-ready due: 3 May 2011


Digital games are highly interdisciplinary. We therefore welcome submissions on a wide range of topics overlapping computer science, the social sciences, humanities and design, as long as there is a substantial and novel impact on digital games. These topics (in alphabetic order) include, but are not limited to:

* Artificial Intelligence: e.g., machine-learning or goal-based approaches to implementing NPCs or dynamic difficulty adjustment
* Curriculum: e.g., game development courses, game development in computer science courses
* Design: e.g., case studies of novel designs, new methodologies and theoretical frameworks
* Game Studies: e.g., empirical studies of player experience, social, economic and cultural interpretations, entertainment psychology
* Graphics: e.g., new modeling and rendering techniques, special effects
* Interactive Storytelling: e.g., story generation, drama management, digital characters.
* Mobile: e.g., smart phones, location-based games, augmented reality
* Networking: e.g., performance, security, latency, architectures
* Serious Games: e.g., for health, education, advertising, social change
* Social Games: e.g., technology, psychology and business models of
* Tools: e.g., game engines, tools for game development, content authoring, hosting
* User Interface: e.g., virtual and augmented reality, tangible interfaces, speech, brain

We also expect submissions which overlap topics, such as a tool for developing game AI, or an empirical study of game education.

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