6th International Conference on Foundations
of Digital Games (FDG 2011) – Doctoral Consortium
Bordeaux, France, June 28 – July 1, 2011
FDG 2011 – the International Conference on Foundations of Digital Games – is soliciting submissions from doctoral students for the FDG Doctoral Consortium. The FDG 2011 Doctoral Consortium provides a supportive environment in which Ph.D. students can get early feedback on their research directions, both from fellow students and from experienced faculty in the area. The consortium is intended primarily for beginning Ph.D. students who intend to pursue a career in academia. Since the goal of the Doctoral Consortium is to enable greater number of new PhDs in the area, applications from students who are close to completing their PhD will have lower priority (or are discouraged).
Approximately 5 students will be invited to participate. Students participating in the consortium will submit a 3 page extended abstract describing their research, which will be reviewed by the conference program committee. Accepted abstracts will appear in the conference proceedings.
Student authors of accepted papers will be invited to participate in both the main conference and the doctoral consortium and will receive financial support including conference registration, and an allowance for travel expenses. Accepted authors should contact the consortium chair for specifics.
Please direct your questions to the Doctoral Consortium Chair: Stefan Göbel (stefan.goebel@kom.tu-darmstadt.de).
All students accepted into the Doctoral Consortium will be expected to attend both the conference and the Doctoral Consortium session. Interested students should submit a CV and 3 page extended abstract that discusses:
* What the goals of your research are
* Why those goals are important and who they would be important to
* How your approach diers from previous approaches, if any
* Your current results, if any
* Plans for completing this research
The extended abstract should not be a paper describing completed work, but a research proposal describing a promising unexplored research direction. Applicants should upload their 3 page extended abstract (PDF format) and their CV (as an attachment, PDF format) to http://fdg2011.confmaster.net, by 20 February, 2011.
Applicants should also have their advisors email a letter of recommendation by this date directly to Stefan Göbel (stefan.goebel@kom.tu-darmstadt.de) with the subject line “FDG DC Recommendation”. Applicants should make sure that advisors send the support letter by February 20, 2011.
* Doctoral Consortium proposal submissions: 20 February 2011
* Advisor support letter: 20 February 2011
* Doctoral Consortium notification of results: 12 April 2011