Call for submissions for CHI 12 Interactivity Research and Explorations track
For CHI 2012 there are two categories within the Interactivity scheme with separate submission processes: Research & Explorations
Submission: 9 January 2012 (5:00pm PDT) (see website for details)
Notification: 10 February 2012
Camera Ready: 17 February 2012
Selection process (both Research and Explorations): Juried and Curated
Extended Abstract: on DVD and ACM Digital Library
Further details after the jump
Interactivity is your chance to fully engage CHI attendees at a personal level by letting them see, touch, squeeze, hear or even smell your interactive visions for the future. Interactivity promotes and provokes discussion of the role of technology, and invites contributions from industry, research, the arts and design.
Interactivity Research is the high-visibility, high-impact forum of the Technical Program which allows you to present your hands-on demonstration in two sessions. This track is for the year’s most exciting research prototypes and demos. If you have a working prototype, device, or system we want to know about it. Getting people hands-on with your interface is often the best way to communicate what you have created.
Patrick Baudisch, Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany; Florian ‘Floyd’
Mueller, Exertion Games Lab, RMIT University, Australia
Interactivity Explorations is about cultural applications and explorations of future technologies. If your work asks questions and inspires reflection on the role of technology in people’s lives, their dreams and imaginations we want to hear from you. We are looking for artworks, design experiences as well as inspirational technologies that the audience can engage with intellectually and imaginatively.
The Explorations track moves beyond proof of concept prototypes to cultural applications and explorations. We invite submissions from artists, researchers, designers and industry: come share your vision of the future with the delegates at CHI2012!
Eva Hornecker, University of Strathclyde, UK; Danielle Wilde,
New & better this year: Get more attention, simplified submission
We understand that interactivity authors often contribute more effort than any other contributors to CHI. To recognize this, we have made the following changes:
Interactivity Research:
More visibility for Interactivity Research content: Different from previous years, there is a dedicated time-slot on Tuesday afternoon with no competing paper sessions, so you will have CHI attendees’ undivided attention. The Wednesday lunch-time slot will provide another opportunity for conference exhibitors to see your exhibit*. * We may invite a small number of selected submissions to exhibit at other occasions which will be negotiated.
Interactivity Explorations (for the first time at CHI!):
Explorations will be exhibited throughout the conference, each work on a specified day, as well as at the conference reception*. The audience will have the time and space to view everything, and authors will have a chance to see more of CHI, as well as view the other explorations and research demos. * Presentation times will be negotiated with accepted submissions to accommodate the requirements of the different works.
Similar to past years, there is a simplified submission process for “paper” and “note” authors: The interactivity deadline is 3 weeks after the paper/notes acceptance notifications. We encourage authors of accepted papers and notes to submit their work also to the appropriate Interactivity track of their choice. To simplify things, upload the PDF of your accepted paper or note instead of the extended abstract.
Funding: If your project requires you to ship a large amount of material, talk to us: we can fund travel & shipping expenses for selected projects.
For details see