
CfP: ICA Game Studies Welcomes Paper Submissions (and Volunteer Reviewers) for 2012 Conference

You are invited to submit papers to the Game Studies paper competition for the upcoming ICA 2012 annual conference to be held 24-28 May 2012 in Phoenix, Arizona. Papers must be submitted online using the ICA online submission system (http://www.icahdq.org/cfp) by 11 p.m. Eastern U.S. time on 1 November 2011.

ICA welcomes papers from a variety of disciplinary approaches on a broad range of topics dealing with the study of games and the game experience. More details about our paper competition and the general ICA call for papers guidelines can be found at the group’s web site, http://icagames.org.

More details after the jump..

Whether you are submitting a paper or not, ICA is also seeking reviewers to help with this year’s paper competition. To volunteer as a reviewer, 1) go to the ICA paper submission site at http://www.icahdq.org/cfp/index.asp, 2) log in and choose the “Continue to Paper Management” link, 3) choose “Volunteer to be a Reviewer” and include Game Studies in your selected groups. Papers will be assigned in early November, and reviews will be due 2 December.

As a (very small) incentive, they will be doing a little bit of “gamifying” with participation in Game Studies events this year by awarding a number of “achievements” that attendees can display at the conference (if you attend and choose to do so), and the first of them will be awarded for service as a reviewer for Game Studies.

If you are interested in the Game Studies group, please also consider checking out their new web site at http://icagames.org and the Facebook community at https://www.facebook.com/icagames. They’d like to see people use the Facebook group to tell us them how Game Studies can serve you best and what sort of resources you want to see at their online spaces.

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