
CfP: Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education (VWBPE)

Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education (VWBPE) is reopening the call for proposals.

The Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education www.vwbpe.org is a grass-roots community conference. We have already received some excellent submissions but we would like more! The submission deadline is February 15, 2012.

More after the jump

To encourage the production of user created games and the growth of a community of educators, researchers, and students who use and create games and simulations, VWBPE has a Games and Simulation stream.

Presentations that encompass the following are encouraged:

Digital Game- Based Learning
Augmented Reality
World of Warcraft
League of Legends
EVE Online

As well as Poster Displays that show the following:

Short quick play digital games that are designed for multiple iterations. An example would be a puzzle, board game, or quick quiz show all contained in a virtual world.

Game within a Game
Short game contained within another digital game. An example would be a user created questline in City of Heroes or World of Warcraft. This could also be an adventure or competition within Minecraft.

Games that require players to login to a specific virtual location and actively play key roles or characters during the game while others are also acting out roles. These may include a free flowing extemporaneous style that does not necessarily need to have a win/lose conclusion.

Games that model specific situations virtually that the player may face in real life. Examples would include business meetings, ordering food in a restaurant, flying a plane, or operating on a patient.

Guild Structure/Badges/Pointification
This category focuses on the use of various digital tools for motivating the player to continue play and/or received feedback on progress.

This category can include any game or simulation that does not fit the categories above. This may be a NPIRL ( Not Possible in Real Life) scenario that is played as a game or simulation, a scenario created from a novel, historical recreation or anything else that involves play.

We do also want to encourage submissions for the Machinma Fest http://www.vwbpe.org/calls/machinima

VWBPE is a free online conference, organized and run by volunteers. While most activities will happen in the virtual world, Second Life, presentations and field trips can be scheduled for other parts of the metaverse and MMORPGs – contact the Program committee – proposals@vwbpe.org for any questions or more information.

Kae Novak

VWBPE Program Committee


To submit proposals, please go to: http://conf.vwbpe.org

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