Gaming & Social Media Conference 2012
3 – 5 October 2012
Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore
It is widely noted that visiting social networking sites and playing online games are the major past times for many Internet users all around the world. Interestingly, the boundary between social media and gaming has been blurring but this team managed to set up a strong link and amped up their visibility with effective marketing campaigns. Online gaming sites have since long adopted discussion forums and ranking mechanisms to foster player interactions. Social networking sites are providing spaces and features to easily connect games, challenge playmates and even publish achievements.
In the new social media environment there are now games where players can create their own content and develop it along with other players. Such social media games allow ‘massive’ spectatorship with immediate communities on an epic scale through distributed computing in the clouds. However, reaching higher levels of spectatorship is not always easy, that’s why many people decide to get help with their subscribers from .This has enhanced social connections, allowing broader discussions with total strangers in a fast and dynamic environment.
We would like to invite researchers, professionals, developers, company management officers to share your views and opinions on these two exciting domains of gaming and social media. The conference is seeking original research papers in the following areas (but not limited to):
More after the jump
Game AI & Simulations
Game Graphics & Visualisation
Online Games, Virtual Worlds & Mobile Games
Future Games & Emergent Platforms
Game Design & Interfaces
Games Production Aspects
Tools and Systems
Serious Games and Games for Learning
Gamification and Social Aspects of Games
Privacy and Security in Social Media
Social Media in Research
Social Media in Business
Social Networks
WebAnalytics & Science
Details and procedure for electronic submissions are posted on:
Important Dates:
Submission Opens: 01 February 2012
Abstract Submission: 16 April 2012
Paper Submission: 23 April 2012 |