Videogames and Society, Workshop@Cyberspace 2012
Brno, Czech Republic
Important dates:
Deadline for abstract submissions: 31 July 2012 (24:00 GMT)
Notification of acceptance: 31 August 2012
Conference: 30 November 2012 – 1 December 2012
Workshop: 1 December 2012
Camera-ready copy of papers: 15 January 2013
More details after the jump
Workshop keynote talks:
Jan L. Plass, Games for Learning Institute, New York University, USA
Design factors for effective learning games
Cyril Brom, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and
Physics, Czech Republic
Towards applying Mayer’s Theory of Multimedia Learning in the Field of Serious Games: Learning effects of Europe 2045 and Beer brewing game
Katerina Lukavska, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education,
Czech Republic
Promoting Time Control in Excessive MMORPG Players by Identifying of Start and Stop Cues
General Information
Video games are popular mainstream media and constitute an important leisure time activity. Today, games penetrate broad segments of society, regardless of age, occupation or gender. The aim of this workshop is to bring together an interdisciplinary group of researchers studying how games and related media are consumed and utilized by different actors in different social contexts. We are interested in works studying games from cultural, social, political, educational and clinical perspectives, as well as employing games as a research instrument in sociology or psychology.
While we are interested primarily in empirical works and reports, using various methodological frames, we do also welcome theoretical contributions. We welcome both mature work presentations as well as advanced work in progress presentations.
The workshop will be held as part of 10th International Cyberspace conference (, that traditionally covers a broad spectrum of cyberspace’s topic, including new media, legal informatics, cybersecurity, eGoverment, religion in cyberspace, and, from 2012, also video games.
As part of the event we will organize an open workshop presenting a multi-player on-line educational game Europe 2045. The game has been used successfully for more than 4 years in many high-schools in the Czech Republic as a tool promoting learning on various social science topics related to political, economic and social issues concerning European Union ( Within the workshop we will form international teams representing virtual countries and advancing their interests in the virtual European Union.
The topics of the workshop include but are not limited to:
– social aspects of video games,
– games and culture,
– relations between video games and politics,
– depiction of stereotypes in games,
– representation of space and time in games,
– on-line gaming,
– videogames, game mods and 3D virtual reality applications as a research tool in psychology and sociology,
– digital game-based learning and serious games,
– educational multi-media,
– bio-feedback games,
– location-based gaming,
– advergaming and newsgaming,
– games, ethics, and violence,
– excessive and addictive playing,
– motivation for playing,
– games and health.
Abstracts up to 1500 characters long (including spaces) should be submitted on-line at no later than 31st July GTM time.
Accepted papers will be published in peer-reviewed journals Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology (MUJLT – or Cyberpsychology ( based on their respective topics. Tentative deadline for the full papers is 15th January 2013. Every paper will go through a separate review organized by the respective journal.
It is possible for the authors to submit just the abstract and give a talk at the workshop, but not publish a paper, if they wish so.
Workshop Organizers
Cyril Brom
Katerina Lukavska
Vit Sisler
Michaela Buchtova