New Journal: G|A|M|E – Games as Arts, Media, Entertainment is now online

The first issue of G|A|M|E – Games as Arts, Media, Entertainment is now online and available at this

G|A|M|E is a journal dedicated to a comparative, critical and theoretical analysis of video games. With G|A|M|E, we intend to compile a varied selection of scholarly and critical work on video games and their relationship with arts and media, creating the space for a broad range of perspectives from all over the world. The publication is collectively edited by an Editorial Board, is supported by a series of regular Contributors and supervised by and Academic Advisory Board and a Board of Reviewers, the latter one with the aim to guarantee the scientific quality of the works published.

More info after the jump

With this publication we would like to further encourage the researches and studies in this field: through a provision of a critical and theoretical perspective on video games, approached as a large and varied set of cultural and aesthetic objects; through the study of the technical, aesthetic, and historical evolution of games, both as meaningful texts and social objects; by considering games in relation to technology and the evolution of leisure, as a broad and encompassing vision of gaming culture; finally, by providing a strong foundation in theoretical approaches, including Game Studies, the broader traditions of Media Studies and the Humanities.

G|A|M|E will be delivered twice a year as free online content and in downloadable PDF format. Additional materials, sections and networking tools will be available online on our website. Each issue of G|A|M|E will be structured in two sections corresponding to two volumes: vol. 1 consists of an academic peer-reviewed Journal; vol. 2 is a collection of non-peer reviewed Critical Notes.

In our first issue, entitled All of us, player. Pathways in the diffusion of digital gaming: relocations, pervasiveness, gamification, we have invited scholars and researchers from various fields to reflect on the diffusion of the video game medium outside of its established contexts. This phenomenon should lead us to reconsider the object of our research as part of a wider media ecology. From the ideology of gamification to geo-localization, and from mobile applications to the ludic sociability of Farmville, we are witnessing video games’ invasion of the spaces and temporalities of everyday life.

The contents of this issue are:
vol. 1, 2012 – Journal: ALL OF US, PLAYERS

Editorial Board – All of us, players. Pathways in the diffusion of digital gaming: relocations, pervasiveness, gamification

P. Ortoleva – Homo ludicus. The ubiquity of play and its roles in present society

M. Fuchs – Ludic interfaces. Driver and product of gamification

M. B. Carbone & P. Ruffino – Apocalypse postponed. Discourses on video games from noxious objects to redemptive devices

I. Lombardi – Computer games as a tool for language education

P. Righi Riva – Scienze cognitive e game design. Progettare dinamiche di gioco non finalizzate a un obiettivo

C. Maiolini, S. De Paoli & M. Teli – Digital Games and the Communication of Health Problems. A Review of Games Against the Concept of Procedural Rhetoric

I. Mosca – +10! Gamification and DeGamification

F. Regis & L. Perani – Games and science fiction. Contributing to define hybrid spaces in location-aware games

M. Jacobs – Click, click, click, click. Zynga and the gamification of clicking

M. B. Carbone & P. Ruffino – Gamification is broken. An interview with Steven Poole

G|A|M|E’s Editorial Board
Stefano Baschiera (Queen’s University, Belfast),
Marco Benoît Carbone (University College, London),
Giovanni Caruso (Università di Udine),
Riccardo Fassone (Università di Torino),
Gabriele Ferri (Università di Bologna),
Adam Gallimore (University of Warwick),
Ivan Girina (University of Warwick),
Federico Giordano (Università per Stranieri di Perugia),
Valentina Paggiarin,
Justin Pickard,
Paolo Ruffino (Goldsmiths, University of London),
Mauro Salvador (Università Cattolica, Milano)

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