Call for Hosts: Hosting IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games 2015

Call for Expressions of Interest: Hosting IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games 2015

Deadline: December 15, 2012

The IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games is the premier annual event for researchers applying computational and
artificial intelligence techniques to games. The domain of the conference includes all sorts of CI/AI applied to all sorts of games, including board games, video games and mathematical games. Recent editions have been held in Granda, Spain (2012) and Seoul, Korea (2011). The next CIG will be held in Niagara Falls, Canada (2013), very likely to be followed by Dortmund, Germany (2014). Since the start of the conference series in 2005, there has been a trend towards higher numbers of both submissions to and attendants at successive conferences.

Details after the jump

We are now looking for expressions of interest for people willing to host CIG 2015. Given the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society policy that conferences alternate between Europe, North America and Asia, we are looking for an Asian location for CIG 2015.

Expressions of interest should be sent to Julian Togelius ( by December 15; questions about the procedure should be directed to the same address. All expressions of interest will be forwarded to members of the Games Technical Committee for discussion and a straw poll, and the winning submitter will be invited to submit a formal application to host the conference to the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society’s Conference Committee.

An expression of interest should be a text document of one or a few pages. Apart from the proposed location and dates, it should include the names and short biographies of a general chair and preferably some other proposed organisation committee members, e.g. program chair and local chair. It should also include a brief description of the proposed site in terms of facilities available, touristic attractions and communications. No budgetary information is necessary at this stage.

Past CIG conferences:
Games Technical Committee:

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