+++ EVE Online Workshop +++
Workshop at FDG 2013. May 14-17, 2013. Chania, Crete, Greece.
Papers & Works in Progress
Submissions due: February 15, 2013
Notification: March 1, 2013
Extended Abstracts
Submissions due: March 10, 2013
Notification: March 30, 2013
EVE Online is a space-themed Massively Multiplayer Online Game that breaks from many conventions of the MMOG genre. From its single shard server to the developer’s “sandbox†approach to game design, this particular MMOG has become the site of various research activities situated across several academic disciplines. This workshop aims to bring together the multidisciplinary community of scholars currently conducting research on or within EVE Online to share their work and foster new research collaborations. We invite proposals about all stages of research (works-in-progress to completed studies). Interested researchers not currently researching EVE are also welcome to attend.
Details after the jump
The goals of this workshop include, but are not limited to:
• Bringing together EVE Online researchers in order to form a cohesive, constructive research community.
• Involving interested researchers not necessarily researching EVE Online, and provide them with an opportunity to engage with various nascent EVE projects, by offering their expertise and reflection.
• Gaining an overview of methodological challenges present in researching EVE Online.
• Identifying and discussing the important and immediate contributions that EVE Online scholarship can make to game studies and other disciplines.
• Stimulating discussion, speculation and collaboration with regards to the future development of academic research into EVE Online.
• Providing a context for work-in-progress papers, discussion of recent developments in EVE Online and encouraging future collaboration.
• Planning of an edited volume of EVE Online scholarship presented as an EVE Online reader.
Papers are invited on any topic that involves research conducted on or through EVE Online. Authors are invited to submit to one of three tracks;
• Papers
Authors are invited to submit position papers, short papers and long papers to this track. Work submitted to this track is requested to be no longer than 8 pages (suggested length between 4 and 6 pages). In accordance with the goals of this workshop, selected papers will be recommended for further publication.
• Works In Progress
Papers of up to 4 pages describing works in progress or a proposed research project are invited to be presented and workshopped. The text should outline disciplinary context and background, research rigor, timelines for research and potential contribution to knowledge. Further, works in progress will be reviewed in light of their potential contribution to an EVE Online reader when complete. Short position papers and PhD project proposals are also welcome to be submitted to this track.
• Extended Abstracts – Between 200 and 400 words.
As the workshops will be integrated in FDG 2013 rather than held a day prior to the conference, we invite scholars not necessarily researching EVE Online to submit extended abstracts outlining their own research and identifying the potential contributions that further research into EVE Online might make to that topic. Authors will be invited to make a 10 minute presentation on the basis of this abstract, prompting discussion from workshop attendees.
Submissions must adhere to the ACM format.
Further details regarding the submission process and publication details will be circulated at a later date.
Marcus Carter, Interaction Design Lab, The University of Melbourne.
Darryl Woodford, ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries & Innovation, Queensland University of Technology.
Kelly Bergstrom, Faculty of Education, York University.
Further details will be made available on the conference website,
For further information please contact:
Mail: marcusc@unimelb.edu.au