
CfP: CHI 2013 – Workshop for Gamification and Serious Games in Healthcare (WS-GSGHC)

CHI 2013 Workshop – Workshop for Gamification and Serious Games in Healthcare (WS-GSGHC)

22 February 2013: Full Paper Submissions
15 March 2013: Notifications of acceptance

Website: South CHI 2013 – http://southchi.org/

More after the jump

Dates 01-03 July 2013

Maribor, Slovenia

The demographic change and the graying society is a global challenge for many countries around the world. Increasing numbers of old and frail people, limited numbers of caregivers and exploding costs in the health care system require new and innovative approaches to support care-givers, care-recipients, as well as families. It is of uttermost importance that novel approaches do not only address the seniors as passive care-recievers but conceptualize them as active parts of the caring situation, supporting care requirments and actively overtaking responsibility for maintaining own health.

Using Serious Games and gamification proves a suitable tool to help people stay fit and healthy for longer, to support rehabilitation measures and to learn about illnesses, their prevention, their cure or successful strategies to cope with illnesses and maintain a quality of life. Still, games for health are not yet suitable for the mass market. It is not yet clear, how games for health can be made not only useful, but also enjoyable and fun and accepted by people of all genders, ages, education levels and technology experience.

The workshop is intended for researchers, industry and practitioners from various domains working in areas from healthcare to gerontology, who use or want to use serious games and gamification. Primary goal of the workshop is to present state-of-the-art research and to build and intensify a network of researchers and practitioners. Topics that can be discussed during the workshop range from new and innovative approaches for rehabilitation, motivation to prevent illnesses, using games for educating medical professionals, acceptance of games in healthcare and usability of these games.

The workshop is intended as a meeting-point for researchers and practitioners from different backgrounds and disciplines who work in the area of healthcare and apply methods from serious gaming and gamification. The workshop should bring together gerontologists, computer scientists, physicians, as well as psychologists, sociologists and ethicists to discuss the possibilities, limitations and consequences of games and gamification in healthcare.


Should be original and not submitted and/or published in other journals or conferences. There is a peer-review procedure intended, thus workshop committee members, external reviewers as well as potential authors will review the submissions. Papers selected by the Workshop Committee will be presented at the workshop and afterwards published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Series.


Papers should be 8 to 12 pages long including all figures and references.

The format should be according to the LNCS format and submitted to the conference system as a single PDF file. Submissions must be fully anonymous, with no author names, affiliations acknowledgements, or obvious references. The submission should begin with a title, abstract and a list of key words.


All paper should be submitted no later than February 22nd 2013 via the SouthCHI conference website.

Notification will be given no later than March 15th 2013.


Philipp Brauner



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