
CfP: AI in the Game Design Process (IDPv2, workshop at AIIDE-13)

We are pleased to announce the 2nd Workshop on AI in the Game Design Process (IDPv2), to be held with the Ninth Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE 2013). The workshop will be held at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, USA on October 15, 2013.

IDPv2 builds on the first iteration of the workshop, held with AIIDE 2011. This year, we encourage participants to reflect upon the theme of providing realtime and interactive feedback to designers (a shared interest that emerged at the previous workshop).

We welcome both paper and demonstration submissions. Papers may describe either well-developed research or visions for the future of this new field within game AI. Submissions from members of the games industry are highly encouraged. Submissions that address the theme are encouraged, but this is not necessary for acceptance.

The deadline for submission is July 3rd, 2013.

For more information, see our website: http://idpv2.cs.washington.edu/


IDP solicits submissions of papers, describing either well-developed research ideas, works in process, or visions for future research directions (page limit: up to 6 pages, with one additional page for references). We especially welcome position papers that aim to expose the implicit goals shared by our design-process-aware community. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and archived by AAAI.

We also encourage the submission of demonstrations of research prototypes, fully functioning design tools, and games that required AI in the design process. Demonstrations should be accompanied by a single page (excluding references) description and an optional video.

All papers must be in AAAI format, and should be submitted through the IDP 2013 EasyChair website: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=idpv2

As a problem-focused workshop, we welcome technical approaches using a wide variety of AI techniques. We also welcome discussion of new and previously unidentified problems in game design that AI techniques can help solve. Submissions are encouraged (though not required for acceptance) to reflect on the workshop’s theme of real-time and interactive feedback.

Topics appropriate for the workshop include, but are not limited to:

* procedural content generation as it relates to the game design process (e.g. offline, integrated with content pipeline automation)

* intelligent authoring tools (e.g. mixed-initiative construction of complex game content artifacts)

* case studies of novel game designs that are unreachable without AI involved in the design process

* intelligent debugging tools (using reasoning to diagnose complex systems)

* intelligent prototyping tools (removing bottlenecks in exploration process)

* machine creativity in game design (supplementing or surpassing the abilities of human designers)

* player modeling for design tools (capturing assumptions about players)

* design space representations (grammars, constraint programs, etc.)

* understanding emergence in complex designs (search, sampling, visualization, summarization)

* previewing the effects of design choices on gameplay, detecting pathological failures

* automated experimentation in playtesting many alternative designs (parameterized or structural)

* play-level manipulation of interactive artifacts (editing representation of possible interactions vs. editing game world objects)

reconciling adaptive games and emergence in game systems with authoring tools (authoring non-static artifacts)

If you are unsure about the appropriateness of your paper idea, feel free to email one of the organizers.


* Paper submission: July 3, 2013

* Notification to authors: August 6, 2013

* Camera-ready deadline: August 16, 2013

* Workshop held: October 15, 2013



* Adam M. Smith, University of Washington (amsmith@cs.washington.edu)

* Gillian Smith, Northeastern University (gillian@ccs.neu.edu)

* Mark J. Nelson, ITU Copenhagen (mjas@itu.dk)

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