Notice of DiGRA Special Elections 2013

Dear Members,

This year we are having special elections due to several DiGRA Board members timing out of their positions. According to the Bylaws, individuals can only serve in a position for four years, after which elections must be held for replacements. However, Individuals timing out of one position can serve in another position on the DiGRA Board.

Regular members are eligible to be elected to any office in the Association. Student members are only eligible to be elected to the office of Student Officer or Open Seat.

The following positions are available:

Vice-President. Responsible for representing the conference organising committee and the web site development team. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall take on his or her duties as appropriate.

Two Open seats. Responsible for such tasks as the Executive Board may assign to them, including conference organizing, publication help, or member outreach.

To be nominated please send a short position statement indicating which role you would like to undertake and what projects or priorities you would like to address.  Please also include a short biography.   If you would like to propose a role which is not described here but you think it would be strategically important to the association then please do also submit a short position statement as described.

Please send these to by Tuesday, August 20, 2013.  They will then be uploaded on to the DiGRA website and the elections will take place at the AGM being held at DiGRA-Atlanta on August 29, 2013 from 2:30-3:30pm, Atlanta, Georgia, USA as well as online through Monday, September 2, 2013.

all the best,


Mia Consalvo, President
Digital Games Research Association

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