Book Announcement: MACHINIMA. 32 conversazioni sull’arte del videogioco

MACHINIMA. 32 conversazioni sull’arte del videogioco“, a new book featuring interviews with international artists using video games to make art.

“MACHINIMA. 32 conversazioni sull’arte del videogioco” expands, in print form, both the exhibition GAME VIDEO/ART. A SURVEY, curated by Vincenzo Trione and I in 2016 at IULM University (Milan, Italy) and the official catalog, released by Silvana Editoriale in June 2016.

The vast majority of these interviews have been produced by the students enrolled in the M.A. Program in Arts, Cultural Heritage and Markets at IULM. As such, “MACHINIMA. 32 conversazioni sull’arte del videogioco” is a collective, interdisciplinary project connecting art criticism, game studies, and new media practices.

Among the topics discussed are the heterogeneous tactics of appropriating/subverting games, the artists’ various approaches to the medium, and
different, often conflicting, notions of what machinima *is* and *does*. The goal was to provide scholars, critics, and artists with a set of invaluable resources to better grasp the meaning and practice of machinima today.

Text encrypted in Italian.

Featured artists:
Larry Achiampong, Rewell Altunaga, Hugo Arcier, Marta Azparren, Benjamin Bardou, Ashley Blackman, David Blandy, Josh Bricker, Joseph Delappe, Claire Evans, Harun Farocki, Foci + Loci, Anita Fontaine, Chris Howlett, Ip Yuk–Yiu, Hui Wai–Keung, Kent Lambert, Lawrence Lek, Les Riches Douaniers, Miltos Manetas, Marco Mendeni, Victor Morales, Oscar Nodal, Baden Pailthorpe, Paolo Pedercini, Tom Richardson, Philip Solomon, Kent Sheely, Georgie Roxby Smith, Palle Torsson, Michiel Van Der Zanden, Angela Washko, Brent Watanabe.

MACHINIMA. 32 conversazioni sull’arte del videogioco book page:



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