Book: GAMEPLAY MODE: War, Simulation, and Technoculture by Patrick Crogan

“GAMEPLAY MODE: War, Simulation, and Technoculture” by Patrick Crogan
University of Minnesota Press | 256 pages | 2011

ISBN 978-0-8166-5335-5 | paperback
ISBN 978-0-8166-5334-8 | cloth

To understand the place of computer games in contemporary culture, Patrick Crogan argues, we must first understand the military logics that created and continue to inform them. Drawing on critical theoretical perspectives on computer-based technoculture, Crogan reveals how today’s computer games—and the wider culture they increasingly influence—are informed by the technoscientific program they inherited from the military-industrial complex.


“Gameplay Mode is a groundbreaking work that will make readers regard digital games in new and important ways. Patrick Crogan makes impressive and skillful use of a range of concepts drawn from critical theory to call our attention to the complex and highly significant relationships between digital games and technologies of war. He explores with intelligence and subtlety the effects and influences that techno-militarism have had, and are having, on culture in general and digital games specifically.” —Tanya Krzywinska, Brunel University

Patrick Crogan teaches film and media studies at the University of the West of England, Bristol.

For more information, including the table of contents, visit the book’s webpage:

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