Book: VirtualErotico. Sesso, pornografia ed erotismo nei videogiochi

Luca Papale writes:
I am glad to announce the publication of the first Italian Game Studies book about sex, sexuality, pornography and eroticism in video games:

VirtualErotico. Sesso, pornografia ed erotismo nei videogiochi

Edited by:

Luca Papale, IUDAV, Salerno, Italy
Francesco Alinovi, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milan, Italy
Published by:

Edizioni Unicopli (Ludologica book collection)


What happens when the most ancient and one of the most recent leisure activities join forces?
Other than being two of the most powerful businesses in the world, apparently immune to financial crises and recessions, sex and video games share a lot of commonalities: both are all absorbing passions, swinging between the material and the spiritual, between physical (contr)actions and mental deviations. From Custer’s Revenge to Catherine, through Silent Hill 2, Tomb Raider and many other games, this multidisciplinar essay collection includes historiographical, game design, psychological, philosophical, pedagogical and sociological approaches, and traces the evolutionary process of the representation of sex and eroticism in video games through the analysis of peculiar case studies and themes related to the topic. The book includes original essays by Francesco Alinovi, Luca Papale, Simone Tagliaferri, Carlo Cuomo, Stefano Triberti, Luca Argenton, Roberto Di Letizia, Rosy Nardone, Luca de Santis, Chris Darril, Debora Ferrari e Luca Traini, with an introduction by Matteo Bittanti.

Topics covered:

– History of sex, eroticism and pornography in video games
– Game design and sex
– Sex, violence and sexual violence in video games
– Video games commercial and their use of sexuality
– Gender and sexual identity in video games
– Psychological and philosophical implications of sex in video games
– Censorship and ESRB/PEGI ratings towards sexual elements in video games
– Erotic art of the past and erotic imagery in video games
– Eroge and Japanese pornographic games
– Serious games for sexual education
About the editors:

Luca Papale is lecturer in Theories and Techniques of Game Design and Theories of Crossmedia at IUDAV (Salerno). In the gaming industry he has worked for Electronic Arts, Alchemic Dream and TiconBlu, his remits ranging from localization and QA tester to press agent, community manager and game master. He is author of Estetica dei videogiochi. Percorsi, evoluzioni, ibridazioni (UniversItalia, 2013), of peer-reviewed articles on <<G|A|M|E>> and <<Journal of Games Criticism>>, and of the short novel “Vita da avatar” included in the anthology Le realtà in gioco. Storie straordinarie per vite ordinarie (VV.AA., Edizioni, 2013).

Francesco Alinovi has been operating in various fields of the video games universe for more than fifteen years: from magazine editing (PlayStation Power, and Xbox Magazine Ufficiale) to the management of video games chain stores (GameUP and 16 Games). He is author of several academic writings, including Mi gioco il cervello. Nascita e furori dei videogiochi (Liocorno, 2000), Resident Evil. Sopravvivere all’orrore (Edizioni Unicopli, 2004) and Game Start! Strumenti per comprendere i videogiochi (Springer, 2011). Since 1999 he is lecturer in Game Design at NABA (Milan) and organizes workshops and lectures in other Italian and foreign educational institutes.

About the book collection:
Ludologica is the firs Italian book collection about Game Studies.
Founded in 2003 and edited by Matteo Bittanti and Gianni Canova for Edizioni Unicopli, Ludologica comprises 26 books (and counting) about game culture, video games aesthetics and philosophy, video game authors and franchises and other key topics of Game Studies.

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