Call for Candidates for DiGRA Board 2014

This year we are having regular elections for multiple positions on the DiGRA Board, excepting those elected last year. According to the Bylaws, individuals can only serve in a position for four years, after which elections must be held for replacements. However, Individuals timing out of one position can serve in another position on the DiGRA Board.

Regular members are eligible to be elected to any office in the Association.

The following positions are available for the term 2014-2016:

President. Responsible for ensuring the continuity and development of DiGRA and ensuring that the association undertakes, to the best of its combined abilities, actions to facilitate this. The President holds final responsibility for ensuring the legal and ethical behaviour of the Association and in the event of a tied vote on the executive committee she or he holds the power of the deciding vote.

Secretary. Responsible for maintaining copies of all records of the Association and producing and filing minutes of all executive committee meetings. The secretary will also take the lead in producing executive reports for the DiGRA membership and maintaining up to date and accurate membership records.

Student officer. Responsible for ensuring representation of students and other young or new researchers in DiGRA and contributing to the Association’s aim to support and encourage new researchers entering into and developing the field. To be eligible for this position, a candidate must be a registered student at a recognised higher education institution.

Open seats. (2) Responsible for such tasks as the Executive Board may assign to them, including conference organizing, publication help, or member outreach.

To be nominated please send a short position statement indicating which role you would like to undertake and what projects or priorities you would like to address.  Please also include a short biography. If you would like to propose a role which is not described here but you think it would be strategically important to the association then please do also submit a short position statement as described.

Please send nominations to by Monday, July 28, 2014.  They will then be uploaded on to the DiGRA website and the elections will take place at the AGM being held at DiGRA-Snowbird on August 6, 2014 from 2:30-3:30pm, Snowbird, Utah, USA as well as continuing online through Wednesday, August 13, 2014. Votes will be verified after elections have closed and results announced as soon as possible.

Mia Consalvo, President


Digital Games Research Association

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