Call for games and Papers – European Serious Games Awards

The European Serious Games Awards aims to celebrate the best works on games for learning in Europe. Organized by GALA (an European Network of Excellence dedicated to research on Serious Games), these awards are based on a scientific analysis of the games by members of GALA and experts from the GALA network . We will evaluate the learning qualities of the submitted games, in order to reward the best ones. We will also give an award to students doing research on games for learning.

More information:

*Calendar for 2013 session*
– January 15th, 2014: Deadline for submitting games
– January 15th, 2014: Deadline for submitting students academic papers
– January 15th, 2014: Deadline for volunteering to participate in the evaluation process

– January 15th to February 14th, 2014: A jury composed by experts from the GALA Network will evaluate the submitted students academic papers to award the “Best Student Paper Award” and the submitted Serious Games to award two “Best Learning Game Award”. Then Awards winners will be notified so they can arrange their venue at the awards ceremony.
-TBD: European Serious Games Awards Ceremony.


To submit a Serious Game:
– Your game must have been created by and/or funded by an organization within Europe (private company, school or university, NGO…)
– Your game was released between November 1st, 2012 and November 30th, 2013.
– Your game is available in English language.
– Fulfil the game submission form and send it to before January 15th, 2014.
Submission form can be sent before the game itself.
– Send us either a working copy, a link to an online serious game or a video of your game (to perform the evaluations) before January 15th, 2014.

To submit an academic student paper:
– Your paper was published between November 1st, 2012 and November 30th, 2013 in a conference or a journal.
– You are a Master or PhD Student studying in an European school or university.
– Your article is between 4 and 8 pages long.
– Your article is written in English language.
– Only one paper can be submitted per student.
– Fulfil the student paper submission form and send it to before January 15th, 2014.

Each winner of one the 3 European Serious Games Awards will be rewarded by the following prizes:

Awards for the Serious Games:
– Best Learning Game Award (1st place): tablet, value 400 ?
– Best Learning Game Award (2nd place): tablet, value 300 ?

Award for the academic students:
– Best Student Academic Paper: tablet, value 400 ?

Each winner will also get a free entrance to the conference where the Awards ceremony will take place (to be defined). We will offer one conference registration for each award winner who will attend to the Awards ceremony (travel and accommodation costs remaining at the charge of the winners).

The European Serious Games Awards are organized by the GALA Network

In association witth the GALA SG academy

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